Thursday, December 1, 2011

tweet, tweet

Ninja is obsessed....I mean OBSESSED with Angry Birds. He plays it all the time. I usually don't have a problem with letting him have my phone, but the past few days, I've noticed some random tweets on my Twitter that I did not post. At first I thought it was spam or something, but then I realized my kid has been using Twitter on my phone! 
I think he thought the Twitter bird was another Angry Bird-type game. Ha!

Yesterday I caught him sending a tweet to a Will Ferrell parody account! With photos of himself (and my kitchen...?) attached!!

The fake Will's tweet said, 
"#YouWasSexyUntil your 30 day free trial of photoshop ran out." 
Apparently, Ninja wanted to show that he's still sexy...(and he knows it).

Yes, that's a crack in my screen. I'll give you one guess as to who did that.
PS Ninja does have a twitter and he would appreciate you following him. @NinjaTanuz


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